The OmniTest testing systems use our range of high-resolution precision Enhanced Load Sensors (ELS) to record tensile and compressive loads.
Its construction makes it perfectly suited for testing all kinds of materials in a quality control or R&D environment.
The OmniTest materials testing systems use a range of high-resolution precision Enhanced Load Sensors (ELS) to record tensile and compressive loads.
OmniTest twin column range can accommodate an environmental chamber to test materials in controlled ambient conditions.
This accessory enables specimens to be tested in a temperature-controlled space from -80°C to +280°C. The chamber is ideal for running tests conforming to plastics and rubber standards such as ISO 527, ASTM D638 and ISO 37.
Additional equipment to provide low temperature environment is also available.

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OmniTest test frame
A motorised test frame driven by twin ballscrews featuring dual-columns and designed to apply tension and compression from 2 N right up to a capacity of 50 kN (11000 lbf).
VectorPro MT delivers outstanding control of the motor, whilst simultaneously collecting data at 500 Hz from the ELS loadcell and displacement encoder of the frame.

The OmniTest and MultiTest-dV materials testing systems use a range of high-resolution precision Enhanced Load Sensors (ELS) to record tensile and compressive loads.
Extensometer ready
OmniTest twin-column range supports extensometry in your testing methods. When running VectorPro™ MT materials testing software, a connected extensometer enables strain measurement directly from the test specimen.
Tension & Compression
OmniTest frame - rated capacity
Model | 10 | 25 | 50 |
kN | 10 | 25 | 50 |
kgf | 1000 | 2500 | 5000 |
lbf | 2200 | 5500 | 11000 |
10 kN = 0.01-1000 mm/min (0.0004 -39.4"/min)
25 kN = 0.01-1000 mm/min (0.0004 -39.4"/min)
50 kN = 0.01-500 mm/min (0.0004 - 19.7"/min)
Better than ±2% of indicated speed or ±0.02 mm/min (±20 µ/min), whichever is greater
0.001 mm/min (0.00004"/min)
Maximum displacement
950 mm (37") - 10 & 25kN models
1230 mm (48") - 50kN model
±0.1% of indicated position or ±0.01 mm, whichever is greater
0.001 mm (±0.00004")