The rugged, low bending linear guiding system is designed for force up to 5 kN in tensile and compression direction. The machine is offered with different test chamber heights. The replaceable force transducers from 5 N to 5000 N can be installed on the traverse or on the base plate.
The control panel with 10.4 "touch display, 1024x786 TFT LCD and robust PCAP industrial touch screen, embedded in a rugged aluminum housing offers high accuracy of force, length and time measurement. The operating and control module has additional digital and analogue I / O's and Ethernet connection.
The controller is equipped with a comprehensive software package allowing both, manual testing and predefined test programs to be performed. Test results are saved in the controler and can be downloaded with any webbrowser to your PC or company network in various formats to be processed for example in CAQ software, MsExcel or LabView/Diadem and other common programms. New test programs can be loaded onto the machine via the browser.
The Alluris Customer Portal offers a variety of validated test programs. The customer portal also offers to create your own test procedures in a web-based graphical editor. Therefore, the FMT-314 iC-Frame is suitable for a variety of applications in the testing laboratory for material and component testing.

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Operators panel with full color bright 10,4" TFT touchscreen.
Manual operation modes and predefined tests, customisable at any time via internet portal.

Rigid linear guide with precision ball screw - designed for 5 kN.
Real time display with force vs. length graph, data transfer and exports through your web browser.