The test stand amends the ToolTorqueTester TTT-300 and can be utilized to approve and calibrate manually operated torque tools with release mechanism or indicator, as classified in ISO 6798. Inserting and fixing the tool under test into the test stand allows a precise momentum transfer as require by the ISO standard.
The quick clamping device can be a in X-,Y- and Z-direction perfectly to the wrench; vertically (X-axis) to adjust the lever length, horizontal (Y-axis and Z-axis) to adopt the hold.
Turning the handwheel the wrench moves perfectly centered to the measuring device orbital by 0.5° per revolution and the momentum increases smoothly and even as require by ISO 6789 until the release mechanism is activated.
The horizontal test can be upgraded with TTT-921 to a complete test system for torque wrenches and torque screwdrivers.

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Quick and easy testing of torque tools
Precise application of momentum

To perform calibration according ISO 6789
Conform with requirements of calibration standard