The integrated database for test specifications and measurement results works with FMT_DataExchange for software control of Alluris® universal testing machines with FMT-317CU controllers.
The operating system includes all the necessary software packages for operating an Alluris universal testing machine with predefined function blocks for the test process. The operating software for the TFT touch display enables the user to carry out manual travel commands on the machine, with all measured values being recorded equidistantly. In addition, programmed test sequences can be selected and started. The current measurement data is shown on the display, shown as a diagram and stored in the database.
Result data is saved together with the test data in an integrated database and can be visualized, printed out or transferred to other data formats with FMT_DataExchange via a web browser. For this purpose, the controller is either connected to a local PC via a point-to-point connection or integrated into the local network via DHCP. When integrated into the LAN, it is possible to access the data from any workstation via a web browser.
FMT-DataExchange also has all the necessary functions to carry out software updates, load new test processes and system configurations onto the universal testing machine and manage plans and measurement results already on the control.
The operating system, the operating software and FMT-DataExchange work independently of the hardware and software environment of the local network or PC. It can therefore be accessed via the web browser of any device (Windows PC, Apple iOS or Android).
The Alluris customer portal contains a large number of validated test plans that can be downloaded free of charge. You can also use FMT_EasyEdit to create your own test sequences for Alluris universal testing machines.
You can find more information about the testing software on our knowledge page:

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Universal Testing Machine
Universal Testing Machine
Universal Testing Machine
Most Alluris force gauges, all of our torque testers and all motorized test stands are equipped with either USB 2.0 or RS232 data interfaces.
Our software packages can be used to transfer or stream testing data to your computer for analysis.