Software to transfer measuring data of Alluris force gauges, force-distance gauges and torque gauges in real-time. Visualize force, distance and time onscreen in real-time as digits, graphs, pointer instrument or bar graphs.
Free configuration of display and memory types for each channel.
Analyzing tool for force vs distance diagrams with free configuration of up to 10 thresholds and windows, each validated separatly or associated with logic functions.
Remote control and setting of test sequences for motorized test stands FMT-220 series.
Administer projects, configuration and test data with report generator for PDFs and export as CVS-file.

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Software requirements
- Windows operating system (7 or higher), 32 or 64-bit, and USB 2.0 interface
Digital Cap Torque Tester (USB)
Digital Cap Torque Tester
Digital Force Gauge - HR (USB)
Digital Force Gauge for Force vs. Displacement Measuring - HR - USB
Digital Force Gauge - Solar - HR - USB
Digital Force Gauge - Solar - HR - USB -TR
Motor option for Vertical Test Stands (FMT-220)
Most Alluris force gauges, all of our torque testers and all motorized test stands are equipped with either USB 2.0 or RS232 data interfaces.
Our software packages can be used to transfer or stream testing data to your computer for analysis.