Digital Force Gauges FMI-S50 series are made for precise force measurements in materials testing and quality control.
Combined with a laser distance sensor and manual or motor-driven test stands they can be upgraded to a comprehensive measurement system for all push and pull test requirements.
The sensor modules are integrated in robust die cast aluminium housings and directly connected to each other. Force is applied through a gauge rod with M6/M10 thread.
The laser distance sensor allows a non-contact measurement on the test object or on a reference mark. Measurement values are captured in real time and transferred to the PC.
The software FMI_Analyze allows different ways of visualization, both automatic and manual starting and comparison with setpoint limits or graphic parameters (e.g. failure lines or measurement value windows).

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Comprehensive test analysis software package for recording and extensive evaluation of test results
Application as force sensor in test stands >> with rugged aluminium die cast housing, optimized fixing points and autoreverse display

Target-actual comparisons of force-displacement curves with freely definable good / bad ratings
Use as a force sensor in test benches >> robust aluminum housing with bores for centering