An optional software package for transferring data from your Alluris digital force gauge (FMI, FMI-S and FMI-B series) to Microsoft Excel.
Additionally set of limits, threshold and trigger points for data capture or stream data during testing and visualize values and or graph.
Transfer of single data points or stored data.
(Systems requirements: Windows XP, Win7, Win8.1 or Windows 10 operation systems with 32 or 64-bit version; MS Office Excel with 32-bit version)

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System requirements
- Windows operating system (XP, 7, 8.1 or 10), 32 or 64-bit
- MS Office Excel, 32-bit
Digital Force Gauge - HR (USB)
Digital Force Gauge for Force vs. Displacement Measuring - HR - USB
Digital Force Gauge - Solar - HR - USB
Digital Force Gauge - Solar - HR - USB -TR
Most Alluris force gauges, all of our torque testers and all motorized test stands are equipped with either USB 2.0 or RS232 data interfaces.
Our software packages can be used to transfer or stream testing data to your computer for analysis.