Compression device for standardised 4-point bending tests consisting of a support rail and 2 compression fins whose distance can be adjusted in the groove guide. In the FMT-772.20PK2 version, the support rail is pendulum-mounted.
The usable total length is reduced by the fin blocks, without taking the radius into account, by 2 x 30mm.
Mounting of the pressure rail via D16 adapter with 8mm pin on the force transducer (top). Material: elox. Aluminium, weight 0.4 kg. Suitable for load cells from nominal force F(nom) 50N.
The appropriate test programs for bending tests are available free of charge on the Alluris customer portal for users of universal testing machines with the FMT-317CU control unit.
More information about the testing software can also be found on our knowledge page: > Software for testing machines

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