Slides for bending tests and fracture tests with adjustable support distance. Determination of the bending force, the bending modulus or the breaking force in universal testing machines.
The slide is suitable for both 3-point and 4-point bending tests. The complete slide consists of a support rail with D16 connection with D8 pin and a set (2 pieces) of support fins. The test specimen is placed in the centre and then only has linear contact with the support.
Depending on the test standard and the materials to be tested, select appropriate support fins with different radii for the bending test. The length of the support rail is always specified as the total length, the support spacing can be continuously adjusted from 4 mm to the total length minus 2 times the radius of the support fins.
The appropriate test programs for bending tests are available free of charge on the Alluris customer portal for users of universal testing machines with the FMT-317CU control unit. More information about the testing software can also be found on our knowledge page: > Software for testing machines

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