The surface finish and the suitable material mix ensure that the specimen is held securely in the tensile testing machine.
All jaws are made of hardened, nickel-plated steel (58 HRC) and can be easily mounted and dismounted.
For this purpose, the 2 mm grub screws with hexagon socket are loosened and tightened again.
The maximum opening width of the clamping tool is reduced by 2 mm for clamping jaws with rubber coating.
Clamping jaws coated with synthetic diamond have a particularly good grip during tensile tests on material with a very smooth surface.
This type of coating changes the opening width of the bolt tensioner only slightly.
The wave jaws are suitable for tensile tests on flexible materials.
The V-jaws are suitable for round materials from 2 mm or 5mm and have a 0.8 mm serration.

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