Software for generating calibration certificates conforming to ISO 17025 standards for handheld, indicating and clicking torque tools, such as torque wrenches or torque screw drivers.
Predefined calibration procedure for all classified types of tools according to ISO 6789:2003. Data based file system to administrate tools, test equipment, operators and calibration certificates.
PDF-generator for printouts.
Additional software tools:
- TTT_Quick-Check
Fast and easy testing of correct set point for torque wrenches and manual or motor driven torque screw drivers with 5 consecutive tests. - TTT_Parameter-Check
Analyse the release behavior of clicking tools and to determin the optimized settings for the peak detection.

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Torque Tool Tester to verify and calibrate, USB
Most Alluris force gauges, all of our torque testers and all motorized test stands are equipped with either USB 2.0 or RS232 data interfaces.
Our software packages can be used to transfer or stream testing data to your computer for analysis.