The motorized pull tester is a compact benchtop instrument to measure the tensile strength of most common solder-free cable joints with end sleeves, pins, solder pins, or similar wire terminal components.
Test samples are inserted into the receptacle adaptor, which has 12 different slot widths (from 0.5mm to 6.0mm), covering all the prevalent wire strengths and terminal types.
More adaptors are available under With the optional software, the measurement data can be downloaded via the USB interface to MSExcel. It takes only a few minutes to prepare a complete test report with a statistical summary as pdf-file (for more details please check the software FMT-W_Connect).

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For tensile testing of wire terminals according to IEC, DIN, EN, BS, UL, SAE, MIl and NASA standards
3 test modes selectable for destructive and non-destructive test, pull and break, pull and hold, pull hold and break *

Compact and rugged bench top instrument with hardened scratch-resistant base plate
Constant pull speed in 7 steps selectable between 10…200 mm/min *