With an FMT-110 test stand in combination with a force measuring device, precise linear guided vertical strokes can be performed for compressive force tests.
The tabletop devices are predominantly used in the incoming goods inspection and in the production-accompanying quality assurance in order to test the strength of material connections. In addition, it is very easy to test operating forces of controls such as buttons, switches, sidesticks or closures of packaging.
The force gauge is mounted in the force axis on an M10 connection thread on the lifting unit and fixed with a lock nut in the exact position. Force Gauges of the FMI-B and FMI-S series are equipped with a corresponding internal thread on the housing.

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Fast compressive force test >> up to 1 kN durable construction
Measurement exactly in the force axis >> Measuring instrument is connected vertically in measuring axis with lifting unit

Precise positioning >> Rack with 50mm feed per stroke
Very flexible >> Mounting of sample holder, adapter or grooved plate possible