In a mechanical force gauge, a spring is stretched by the applied force and the change in length (about 140mm at maximum force) is displayed on a precision scale in the SI dimension Newton.
The main advantage of this measuring method is the simple application. With this measuring principle, peak values, e.g. determine of closing/opening forces or tensile tests can be made easily.
The peak value (max. pull) is displayed by means of a tow ring. Attention! When choosing a mechanical force gauge, be aware that the sudden change of load, e.g. if the material to be tested breaks, does not exceed 40% of the maximum force value. The optional push rod set extends the application possibilities.

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Spring scale with Newton scale for easy tensile force measurement
Determination of peak values with towing ring

Robust, anodized and abrasion-free aluminum tube with a long precision scale
Optional pressure set for pressure force measurement